


The annual north Florida crossword puzzle tournament was a hit. I was impressed when the champ did a Saturday puzzle in 20 minutes.


It's been a couple months since I shot a newspaper assignment. I forgot that getting up early Saturday morning to roam around the woods in search of air potatoes isn't so bad after all. Air potatoes are invasive in Florida, and apparently locals care enough to bring their families out to collect and trash them.



I just returned to the States from Costa Rica and have been thumbing through my photos, hence the somewhat idle blog. I'm working on editing a project about a coffee coop, so hopefully I'll have some more photos and stories to share soon.


holidays pt. 2

I was able to meet up with some of my closest friends after Christmas. We wandered around northern Georgia, the start of Appalachia. It's amazing how quickly the mountains rise up from the straight, flat asphalt. Blood Mountain was our home for a good part of the week, bringing us that wet freezing chill, constant fog and mist, and home-mashed hot apple cider.

holidays pt. 1

It's been relaxing, rejuvenating and quite interesting. I don't care much for presents, but I always cherish the opportunity to see (most of) my family all in one spot again.