Sports photo choice prompts objection (A letter to the editor)
The picture of Monroe High’s Katy Younglove on the front page of the Sports section in the Wednesday edition reflects very poor editorial judgment on the part of The Monroe Evening News.
There have been other pictures in past editions, on the Sports page, which have highlighted young adults in particularly awkward or potentially revealing positions. We have let those pass by believing them to be one-time occurrences; however, this particular picture of Ms. Younglove is so egregiously voyeuristic and blatantly sexist that we felt we must bring it to the attention of the editorial board of The News.
We cannot imagine that Ms. Younglove or her family is pleased to have such a shot of her in the newspaper. Perhaps The News could take a close look at the Sports shots that they publish and consider whether or not they would want their son or daughter pictured in such a way.
-Terry and Betsy Taylor, Monroe
Some people are just stupid and look for problems that aren't there because they have nothing more important to do with their life.
haha...that's funny...i wish someone would write an editorial about my photos....:(
You're such an ass Tim. And a voyeuristic sexist, I hear. I like the photo, though...does that reflect poorly on me as a person?
I can't see anything that would be revealing in that photo. Or, maybe the writer was the perv for pointing it out.
When are these idiots going to get a damn life.
they're noticing your work!
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